Driving Under the Influence is a common mistake that can lead to serious, long term consequences. Illegal stops without good cause by the police and faulty field sobriety tests or breathalyzer procedures are an infringement on your rights. We will work vigorously to help you avoid the suspension of your license, stiff fines, jail time and other penalties. It is important that you speak with a knowledgeable DUI/DWI attorney as soon as possible following any felony or misdemeanor arrest. We can inform you of your rights and help you make the right choices moving forward…

Delaware DUI & DWI Attorney

DUI and DWI Defense Lawyer | Wilmington | Gregory M. Johnson Attorney at LawGregory M. Johnson is a proven DUI and DWI attorney with nearly two decades of experience. Working with a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney gives you the best chance of having any charges that you might face reduced or dropped altogether. It is important to call (302) 777-3370 as soon as possible following your arrest to avoid an automatic license suspension. This request must be made within a limited amount of time. A thorough investigation into the evidence against you and the conduct and qualifications of any law enforcement personnel who carried out any sobriety or field testing will then take place. We have the expertise to make the law work for you.

For any DUI or DWI questions, call (302) 777-3370.

Don’t take chances with your future. We will protect your driving privileges, your rights, and your freedom.

DUI Checkpoints

The use of DUI checkpoints by law enforcement has risen in the past few years in an effort to increase income from DUI fines and penalties. There are strict guidelines that must be followed at any sobriety roadblock, some of which can be overlooked or ignored in the pandemonium of a checkpoint arrest. Many police agencies fall short or minimize their obligation to make the public aware of upcoming DUI checkpoints, breath testing at a checkpoint can be highly inaccurate and other guidelines can also be overlooked such as the length of time each motorist is stopped and detained and whether the Supervising Officer adequately recorded how the checkpoint would be operated. Failure to follow any of these points can lead to dismissal. If these guidelines aren’t followed, criminal defense attorney Gregory M. Johnson can help get your DUI charges reduced or even dropped.

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Gregory Johnson